• info@varsitymentor.org
  • +1 669 444 2367

Vision and Mission

Our Vision

To inspire every college student in Africa to graduate with a clear vision, and the skills, to build a meaningful career, achieve world-class success and contribute to empower Africa and build a better world.

Our Mission

Our mission is to transform Africa one student at a time by connecting college students in Africa to opportunities that empower them to graduate with a self-help mindset and the skills to build a world-class career for themselves and their communities.

Principles We Live By

At the core of who we are and what we do is the passion to empower our students to become the best versions of themselves by intentionally and consistently questioning the status quo, and to strategically aim for and diligently work for world-class success with the overarching goal of contributing to make the world a better place.

To achieve this, we teach and encourage our students to adhere to the three principles that form our core values: 1) discover their calling and pursue it with ambition and authenticity (purpose), 2) leave no stone unturned and persevere without any regard for failure in their effort to achieve world-class success (excellence), and 3) be consistently strategic, positive and humane in the quest to achieve their purpose in life with honesty and sound moral character (integrity). 




Who We Are

We are a digital network of African professionals in the diaspora and allies — academics, entrepreneurs, business leaders, artists, etc. — committed to tackling the problem of graduate unemployment and youth underdevelopment in Africa through mentoring, skills training and career pathway guidance.


We envision a world where every young African is empowered to become the best versions of themselves, pursue their life aspirations without limits, and contribute to building a better world.


We empower and support youth in Africa to build their best possible futures by mentoring them through higher education and equipping them with a self-help mindset and skills that lead to world-class success.

Core Values

At the core of who we are and everything we do is the passion to empower our students to build their best possible futures by intentionally and consistently challenging the status quo and aiming for world-class success. To achieve this, we encourage and teach our students to adhere to the three principles that form our core values.


